The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 410:09:17
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Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.


  • Summer Series: Don Tolman, Wholefood Advocate, Health Educator


    What if 98% of Health Care could recede and go away, and knowledgeable self-care could replace it. What would we do with US$1.6 trillion in savings? - Mother Nature's strongest medicines are waiting for you (in exactly the right doses and without any side effects) - in whole foods.Don Tolman has had privileged access to private museums, rare books collections, and ancient manuscripts, and has rediscovered the secrets of health & vitality lost to humanity for millennia.Listen to Don Tolman and learn of the whole food wisdom of the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, Chinese, Native Americans, Incas and others who through time treated themselves to high vitality and longevity using plant whole foods.

  • Ojasvin Kingi Davis & Iris Häusermann Davis on Grandmothers Healing Haka


    As an emergent species, the human race has slowly evolved to where we are today - to a point of crises and opportunity.Little do we know of the seed that carries our physicality forward, the encoded DNA that over eons has impeccably replicated itself in a continuous re-generational sequence - and it has only been in the last few generations we in the Western world have come to a greater understanding of our connection to bloodlines and whakapapa.What we have found is that we in many differing ways have been programmed by our immediate ancestors and survival situations, to belief systems that are now seen in many ways as outmoded - ways of thinking, that do not serve the spirit of unity, of family, iwi and community all the way to a globalised family of humanity.Old patterns, of control, patriarchy, victimhood, want, 'sin' and fear are on one hand, falling away yet on the other hand the old virtues that have been around for millennia, but have been subsumed or forgotten are re-emerging to remind us of Love, ar

  • Professor Jane Kelsey on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement


    This agreement if signed will affect virtually every New Zealander for the rest of this century. It basically takes away our sovereignty and we become pawns in a globalist corporate agenda. What are its affects?The TPPA would be an agreement that guarantees special rights to foreign investors. If these negotiations succeed they will create a mega-treaty across 9 countries that will put a straight jacket around what policies and laws [NZ] governments can adopt for the next century – think no GM labelling, overriding our Laws on foreign investment, shackling PHARMAC, increasing price of medicines, no regulating info on cigarette packs,  and not regulating dodgy finance firms, less NZ content on TV, private prisons, privatising education, land acquisitions, mining, fishing, high rise hotels at NZ beaches? … As the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations have been completed in Auckland, an alliance of civil society groups in participating countries have announced a “release the text” campaign ahead of the n

  • Scientist's Pat & Quinn Whiting-O'Keefe, speaking against the poison 1080


    Originally from Stanford Research Institute and University of California, San Francisco in the USA with a considerable knowledge in chemistry and an expertise in statistical inference in complex systems they have focused recently on the aerial poison drops of 1080 to kill possums. 1080 is called Sodium mono-fluoro-acetate and as a poison like cyanide, is toxic to all air-breathing organisms, but it is not an evil in itself.  The problem is with the way DoC the Department of Conservation is using it by blanketing the forest with food laced with 1080 that is attractive to most native and feral animals, everything from worms, beetles, and wetas to wekas and horses. Clean green New Zealand is unique in the world in its use of aerial 1080. No other country is doing anything remotely similar to this.  New Zealand uses over 85% of the world’s supply of 1080, a poison that is toxic to all animals, that is banned or severely restricted in most countries, and that is classified “1A, extremely hazardous” by the World He

  • Diana Shand ~ Oceania Regional Councilor for the IUCN (worlds largest environmental group)


    IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organisations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries.Listen as to why with such a huge membership, we hear virtually nothing about the IUCN and how that is now changing?That the imperative for our global population is to realize that we are still putting huge amounts of pressure on our planet’s ecosystems, everywhere - yet we are not educating ourselves about the challenges that immediately need addressing. There is a reluctance of governments to lead, as they appear to only follow polls of where the citizen’s consciousness or lack of consciousness currently is.  That the media in clean green NZ are not at the forefront of ecology and environment and looking at our collective footprint, plus they are not championing innovative green technologies and know how. Why?That there are so many critical challenges facing us as a human species, th

  • Chris Bone ~ CEO & Project Leader of Oceans Watch


    OceansWatch is an international not-for-profit organisation that works with sailors, divers and scientists worldwide to help coastal communities conserve their marine environments, develop sustainable livelihoods and ensure access to primary schools.OceansWatch offers resources, in the form of ocean-going research vessels and expertise, such as marine biologists, members training, project management and support crew.Education To build partnerships between schools in developed and developing countries Support the yachting and diving communities in supplying schools with basic educational resources Provide educational materials to those schools in need Run courses on coral reef ecosystems Humanitarian Aid OceansWatch wants to make a positive difference to the life of the people in coastal communities Aid projects can be a double-edged sword so our aim is to work for the people only at their request. We intend to build relationships with the locals and see where they feel their needs lie We will also look at

  • Genevieve Simperingham of The Peaceful Parenting Institute


    Genevieve is a Certified Aware Parenting Instructor.The Peaceful Parent Institute, founded by Genevieve and Dan Simperingham here in NZ offer peaceful solutions to parenting problems and run seminars and workshops plus, provide one on one parent coaching.Their core message is a parent child relationship that is based on communication, care, trust and love that eliminates the need for rewards and punishments.Genevieve Simperingham is an Irish woman, living in New Zealand since 2000. Dan is from Auckland, New Zealand. They have been working together since they first met in Dublin in 1995."We are passionate about supporting parents and helping them learn how to stay emotionally connected with their children through the inevitable conflicts and differences of opinion that are normal in close relationships. We share with parents that conflicts offer an opportunity for growth, learning and deeper understanding of each other and ourselves as parents. The skills that we teach allow the bond to ever deepen between the

  • Kay Urlich ~ Healer

    17/11/2010 Duración: 01h01s

    Kay Urlich is a pioneer in the field of balancing the mind and engaging the heart through energy fields.While searching for answers to her own health crisis Kay discovered four new energy fields. Kay found that the alignment and structure of these fields was vital to activating life-force to promote healing from within.Kay explains how most of the problems we have can be directly related to trauma held in the energy fields and this is the main cause of destruction to our life force.Through these fields we are able to bring about transformation of the heart and mind, opening us to the gifts of consciousness and awakening us to our evolutionary process. The conflict within ourselves affects not only our personal health but is directly related to the healing and evolution of the whole planet.Evolution is not about chasing answers outside of ourselves, it’s about the search for harmony with our own energy fields.

  • Liese Groot-Alberts on Loss, Grief and Bereavement


    Liese Groot-Alberts is a grief therapist, lecturer, public speaker, clinical supervisor and team-trainer.“Liese is a gifted presenter and therapist, whose work reflects a profound understanding of loss, grief, bereavement and the significance of hope”.Having worked alongside Elisabeth Kubler-Ross she has a deep understanding and assisting around what we as a human species must all experience.How can we connect with someone transitioning from this life? How do we show we care for a loved one and how does one grieve and heal from the trauma of loss?How can family and community respond to support you in the situation of death and grief?Now we are in a different era where we see the body, heart and soul as one whole being and on  a multi-dimensional level. The probability that our life goes beyond death is basically a certainty.Bringing the subject of Death, Dying and Transisition into our daily life allows us to be better equipped with loss, grief and bereavement as well as palliative care.Listen to someone who'

  • Lisa Er & Tony Minervino of The Awareness Party, a new ethical political movement


    Imagine a country where there is balance between the rich and poor, and no one goes without the basic necessities of life; where the environment and nature support life without harsh pesticides and chemicals.Imagine a place where crime and violence are progressively diminished as people move to understand the consequences of their actions and take full responsibility for themselves. Unconditional love would be the foundation for all we do and we would not afraid to express that.This is the vision of The Awareness Party.The Awareness Party is a brand new ethical political movement - not a party - formed to vision a better future, and to work with issues of the day, initially in New Zealand, but ultimately as a model for the world. It is based on the conscious awareness of the truth of life on this planet and intended to harness people power to create change. It acknowledges that we are one people on one planet and what affects one affects all - therefore we need to care for our home, Earth, and for each other.

  • Pete Russell and James Samuel ~ Out Of Our Own Back Yard


    FRESH, coming to you - a food revolution - through your door to the back a NZ initiative out of Waiheke Island, is revitalising localized community, connection with neighbors and in particular a revolution around food.Using today’s web technology, Ooooby connects people together in a supportive collaboration. This resulting synergy is bringing innovation to food production, distribution and eating - resulting in goodwill and camaraderie by working towards a more healthy, coherent lifestyle and community. Using their website with over 3,000 members this interface of sharing and social networking offers ways in which to participate and serve community life across local areas.With: Blogs on what is happening locally, and street wise You can join the poultry group learning about chickens to chooks The honey bee group Learn huge amounts from gardening tips And recipes for tasty dishes and healthy living. And now distributing across town a box, 'The Box' of fresh grown vital food th

  • Dr Wayne Cartwright ~ A courageous statement for Strong Sustainability


    Wayne Cartwright, an ex-professor of Strategic Management, University of Auckland, now a business consultant, is very much part of main stream society.In this full blown analysis of the immediate environmental challenges facing us, he offers a number of solutions plus strategic concepts.Imagine a large circle, this is the Earths environment, then visualize another smaller circle within that - this circle is seen as Society, and within this circle a much smaller circle again - this is the Economy.This is the concept of Strong Sustainability.The environment takes precedence having been around us for eons, society for millennia and economics and industry very recently.Listen to a very coherent environmental statement on the ‘critical factors’ of what is happening on planet earth today, and what is at stake. If you are a deep ecologist, a committed permaculture adherent, or a staunch environmental activist, you already understand the enormity of what is happening. However, for mainstream society, this crucial int

  • Francis Evans, Delaine Jones & David Holden on 2012 ~ The Way Through


    Search the web for keywords: 2012, solar, sun activity and you will find streaming at you significant data that our solar system will become very active then, translating to huge influxes of neutrinos and photons from the sun coming our way, very possibly overriding electronics on our planet, with all silicon chips being affected.Why are governments and media so quiet about this?With all information doubling exponentially we now find ourselves in information overload, with over 8,000 scientific and technical papers being published daily how can we grasp what is significant and apply this to our lives?Fortunately, here in Auckland at the public event 2012, three New Zealanders in leadership roles have committed to stand above the parapet. Francis Evans who specializes in NLP, Neuro-Semantics and consciousness technologies will present us with practical tools for change. He will take you beyond the edge out of your comfort zone and show you how to be ‘comfortable’ with where you are!Delaine Jones shares on inti

  • Russell Targ, ex-CIA Researcher on ESP and Remote Viewing


    Russell Targ is a physicist  who has spent much of his life through the 1970s and 1980s working at the Stanford Research Institute which is an extension of Stanford University in California. This is where he and his colleague Harold E. Puthoff co-founded a 23-year, $25-million program of research into psychic abilities and their operational use for the U.S. intelligence community, including the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and Army Intelligence.Since retiring Russell has continued his exploration into the realms of parapsychology and ESP and relates that 5000 years ago, Hinduism and 2,500 years ago Buddhism understood through meditative practices what we are just learning about today.He emphasizes that we need to cherish the body that we inhabit, and that there is a transcendent knowing, a transcendent doing, and a transcendent being that we as a humanity have very little to no understanding. Where Leading Edge Science is taking us today is that:We can heal both locally and at a distance, and we can shift

  • Colin Beardon ~ Advocate of Waiheke Island becoming a Biosphere Reserve


    Imagine this idyllic island close to Auckland... with pristine sandy beaches, green rolling hills, native trees and birdlife, and a dynamic creative community that is near totally sustainable, aligned with nature and in harmony with themselves.Well, this could be the island of tomorrow, here in the Hauraki Gulf, in our fast coming future.Question? Have you the audacity to envision Waiheke Island as a Biosphere Reserve?When we realise what is possible and recognise that it can happen, the synergy of a dynamic community can empower the island neighborhood to be a part of something that will make us proud as a society as well as a nation. There are 109 countries that have ‘Biosphere Reserves’, yet ‘clean green New Zealand’ does not.Note that many differing groups of individuals throughout the Island already support this notion.What is evolving out of this is more people becoming involved as a community of leaders, strong, cohesive and resilient.Waiheke already is a global leader with 198 volunteer organizations

  • Earl Shaver ~ recognised leader in Water Erosion, Sediment Control and Stormwater Management


    Subjects that we don't want to know about, we either avoid or deny.Because certain environmental matters are not 'glamorous' or have 'celebrity status' we as a group consciousness tend to ignore them (including sewage!).Notice that the Super City Mayoral Candidates are not championing ecological consciousness, when Auckland sits astride a magnificent picturesque environment which is our best asset.Why in 2010, in these elections is there is no leadership with Auckland becoming the most environmentally sustainable super city in the Southern hemisphere? Unbeknown to most NZers, one of the corner stones of NZ's Resource Management Act, is  'to avoid, remedy or mitigate' environmental concerns, which as a noble act that in so many ways is not being enforced by our governmental agencies. Why?Also, where is today's altruism? The 60's Generation in their day were very focussed on core issues, such as peace, environment and social justice, why is there a lack of interest in that which sustains us and why are we not i

  • Adriane Hartigan-von Strauch & John Coombs from Global Health Clinics

    09/09/2010 Duración: 50min

    A new NZ initiative, Global Health Clinics is an integrative health clinic, specialising in Natural Health and bringing together a collective of highly trained practitioners to cover all areas of health and wellbeing, including Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Iridology, Massage Therapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Art Therapy, Dietitians and Nutritionists.With these therapies moving more into mainstream consciousness along with a healthy diet and regular exercise we are witnessing extremely beneficial effects with the human race in health and wellbeing. Listen to Adrian Hartigan who has spent 20 years as a natural health practitioner and who introduced Jin Shin Jitsu to NZ, explain some of the deeper levels of working together. She is also the founder of the Holistic Business Network NZ and which is now the World Business Network NZ.www.wbnnz.comJohn Coombs, long term advocate and business activist for sustainable development - in natural health, organic food distribution and manufacturing, practical waste ut

  • Robbyne LaPlant - Counselor, Teacher and Ceremonial Leader


    Robbyne is a sensitive, being able to see and communicate with the subtle worlds unseen by most people.Since early childhood she can articulate ways in which to open people up to the possibility that we are surrounded by a world of frequency and that each and everyone of us are an important player in the continuous unfolding of the tapestry of life.From the cycles of the seasons, the moons gravitational pull, to communications with animals, we are never separate from the web of life.Having broken away from mainstream society, she studied with Shaman, Indian Elders, Medicine Men, Grandmother Wisdom keepers, and holy men of all nations that has led her to discover the message and universal desire for ‘connection’ is the same on every continent. Time and time again she was greeted only to have the ancient wisdom and traditions passed on to her through rituals and ceremonies.  These experiences come about not only from the intention to travel and open herself to broader experience, but also from predestined encou

  • Sonia Choquette, Intuitive - New York Times Best-Selling Author


    As a human, what are our latent capabilities? Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned intuitive and spiritual teacher who specializes in helping others recognize that we are all endowed with a sixth sense that we can count on. A masterful teacher committed to strengthening intuition in our daily lives, she is the best-selling author of ten books and numerous audio editions.A highly trained intuitive, with extensive background in the mysticism of East and West, Sonia was educated at the University of Denver and at the Sorbonne in Paris, and holds a Ph.D. in metaphysics. Sonia says, “I am intuitive because I was encouraged at all times to be awake, aware, and guided by my sixth sense. I grew up in an environment that treated intuition not only as natural, but actually essential to successful navigation in life. Intuition is a gift that we all have, that we can all experience, that we can all trust and that we all need!" Listen to a unique light hearted 50 minutes discussion of how Sonia, a catalyst for conscious co

  • Jonathan Cole on the Transition to Solar Energy and Finding Durable Prosperity


    Jonathan Cole's mission and passion is the transition to solar energy (in all its forms). He’s been researching, developing and using solar energy for his household needs for 28 years and now has made it his mission to provide the knowledge about how to utilize solar energy in an affordable, durable, low maintenance and user-friendly way.With hot water costing around 30% of NZ's household electricity costs, we note that Germany, the leader in solar technology and use, is closer to the North pole than NZ is to the South pole, so why are New Zealanders not using this long lasting technology?By deploying this technology throughout NZ, this would give us breathing space from the need to dam rivers and scramble to find more ways to produce electricity. Also, how do we mobilise the community to clean up rivers, recycle and reduce consumer products, by making them last longer. Houses built in Europe can be hundreds of years old, but be refurbished to be modern inside.Why build temporary houses and apartments and was

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